The book "Moby Richard" was originally simply titled, "The Whale". The title was then changed to, "Moby Dick". However, to be politically correct the title has been recently chenged to, "Moby Richard". The original publish date of the book written by Herman Melville was 1851. The book is all about Captain Ahab destroying the ferocious most fearful and funnily frightening whale of all human history. Some who still have trouble reading can read the abridged version, I however would reccomend for you to read the original story with all of the minor details you do not get to enjoy in the abridged.The most famous opening line in all literature comes from the first line of the first chapter of "Moby Richard","Call me Ishmael". The original publish date of "Moby Richard" is October 18, 1851. There is now a total of 8 series of the book, while the original has 822 pages and an ISBN that is not applicable. The language in which "Moby Richard" is written in, English. "Moby Richard" is now considered one of the greatest novels in English literacy all thanks to Melville.

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