
Peters are vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fill in the blank.



I just vant to let our viewers know that 2008 vill be great!!!


I apologize for that post.It was ridiculous.We won't have that trash on my website.

Computer addictions.

Hi. I'm reporting for Pancake World News.
Today we will discuss computer addictions. How do people become so addicted to computer?
According to Stanford University, you know your an addict when, your grades drop in school, you feel empty and lonely, you have no control over the time you spend on the computer, you wake up early or stay up late to be on the computer, when you go on a vacation you take your laptop and you are very eager to plug it in and log on. Here are a few more signs for you to think about. You get nervous when you haven't checked your email in a day (or hour), you know your an addict when all your closest friends you meet are online.
So, it appears to me these are all signs of computer addiction. I know of a man who is addicted to the computer and many of these signs show in his life.
A great website to visit is,
This is a great website from Stanford. Now I better go check my e-mail...its been a few hours since I have.

Hi Noob's

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