In latest scientist news:

It is founded today that with our theories of scientist we know of evolving of mankind was because of surviving bad times and now we have strong species. Our comrade, Darwin, spoke of it like this: “Survival of the Fittest...”

Darwin was smart guy. He says that survivors survived because they were strong.

In other news:
water is wet and fire is hot.
fish taste like fish.
fools are foolish.

You have been pwned by Stephen Hawking

Wery excellent deals.

*pwn recommends Vindows Wista Premium Basic Home Auto Roving BSOD Basic w/Solitaire & Calc.exe and Welcome Centre.

all applaud dictatorite man of conservatik bolshevik union. Canada welcome in to new unionized governmental type leader. Mr. Harper salutes you.

Reduce your Rubbish.

As stewards of the Earth, RUDUCE YOUR RUBBISH!!

The True Leader of The Free World.


This is a postings of techmology. Not of warmings of the globe, or nukeler prolifrations. We will temporarily, for a temporary time, be side distracted by this issue of cellular phone mobile technological advances in technological advancement.

Question is, will you be lured away from your devil-phone from the apples company to this new blueberry touchable screened telephone?

My life history as a comrade.

I was born in 1894 to a miner in Kalinovka. I spent my early years working as a shepherd and locksmith. After fighting in World War 1, I joined the Communist party and the Red Army in 1918 and fought in the civil war. I attended a Communist party high school in 1921 where I became active as a political organizer. Shortly after this time of my life my power began to rise quickly with the Russians. During World War 2, I grew close to Joseph Stalin, and gained his favour. I was the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Six months later I became first secretary, or head of the Communist Party of the country. Over the next five years I outmaneuvered my political rivals and became Premier in 1958.
As Premier, I tried to raise the Soviet standard of living and to greatly expand my country's space program. I had little pity for weaker nations and my political enemies. But I occasionally showed a good-natured humor and the simple tastes of my peasant background. I also greatly changed Soviet foreign policy. I wanted to avoid war with the Western nations and, at the same time, increase economic competition between Communist and non-Communist countries. The policy, known as peaceful co-existence, caused bitter quarrels between the Soviet Union and China.

If you would like to know a little more about my life I wrote an autobiography which is free because I believe in universal equality.

To The 26 Voters of Jack Layton:
Did you not know one of the foundational laws of the universe is to never trust a man with a "stache???

The 6 Foundational Principles of PWN
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Great Communist Leaders

Beware Capitalists!